We Survey, we travel:

Narrow boats - Motor boats - Yachts  

Our Boat services have taken us to most parts of the UK.  Recent surveys have been in Cambrigeshire, Tewksbury, Falmouth and London.

When you need a Marine Surveyor?

  • Insurance 
  • Pre-purchase.
  • Finance.
  • Damage.
  • Project Management
  • Independent Assessment.

Why we are right for you

I provide a Professional Marine Survey tailored to meet your individual requirements.  My services are designed to be cost efficient.

I understand the needs of the boat owner. I provide a friendly and cost effective service. My surveys reports are detailed yet easy to read and understand.

You will find on this site about our Marine Surveying and Services.  Read my 'Boat Blog'. Feel free to leave a comment or two.  

I am always ready to give help and advice.